About me

I got my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Institute of Cybernetics and I was post-doctoral researcher at Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.  I am an Associate Professor in School of IT and Engineering, ADA University. My interests are natural language processing and machine learning. I am particularly interested in how to use language understanding to generalize and learn more efficiently.  

I am also co-founder of  NeuroTime AI Development Company.  I have worked on a range of applications including Speech Recogition, Speech Synthesis, Dialogue System, Deep Learning, Sentiment Analysis and developed AI -based products for different companies.

I help organisations to build AI and machine learning into their products and services, with a particular focus on voice and language technology.

Professional experience

Associate Professor

ADA university (2016 - present)

Adjunct Professor

George Washington University, USA (2021 - present)


Qafqaz University (2013 - 2016)

Visiting Researcher

Florida Institute of Technology, USA (2015)

Post-doctoral researcher

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (2012-2013)


Institute of Cybernetics, ANAS (2006-2012, 2013-2016)


Azerbaijan State Oil Academy (2009-2011)


Post-Doc. 2013

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Ph.D. 2007

Mathematical Cybernetics, Institute of Cybernetics, ANAS, Azerbaijan.

M.S. 2002

Optimization and Optimal Control, Baku State University, Azerbaijan. Honour diploma.

B.S. 2000

Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics. Baku State University, Azerbaijan.

High School: 1996

117 and Republican Lyceum of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics, Azerbaijan


CIFAR Deep Learning + Reinforcement Learning Summer School

Amii in Edmonton, Mila in Montreal and the Vector Institute in Toronto (August 2020)

Transylvanian Machine Learning Summer School

Romanian Institute of Science and Technology. Cluj-Napoca, Romania (June, 2018)

Malaysia Technical Cooperation Program

Radio Frequency Identification Technology: Application and Implementation. Kuala Lampur, Malaysia (June, 2014)


2022 'Best Presentation' award

was given by 5th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference in Japan

2021 'Best Teacher' award

was given by ADA University in Azerbaijan

2020 'Best Paper' award

was given by 8th Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction Conference in Poland

Professional Service

Program Director of Computer Science, ADA University


Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Control Systems


Organizing Committee member of IEEE International Conference of Application of Information and Communication Technologies
Organizing Committee member of International Conference on Information Technologies and Their Applications
Organizing Committee member of International Conference on Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics
International Program Committee member for Special Session on Low Resource Languages Speech and Text Processing at 14th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems

Ad Hoc Reviewer

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Open Engineering
Cogent Engineering
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences
Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology